Tuesday, February 24, 2009

funny. Story.

I have the wonderful privilege of not only dancing ballet but also teaching it. I teach the 6-7 year old girls at my ballet studio (Jacqueline's school of ballet). It is so much fun and there is never a dull moment. Are you kidding me?...kids are hilarious! Well, today was especially funny. Let me tell you the story... So, here I am just teaching away when all the sudden one of the little girls tugs on my skirt. When I looked down she had a concerned look on her face. I asked her, "are you OK?" She then opened up her hand lifted it towards me and said, " oh no teacher, somebody accidentally left this here?" (in a very concerned voice.) I then bent down a little so I could get a better look at what was in her hand. It was nothing other than a BIG, Thick, nasty, toe-nail!!! ha ha, maybe you kind of had to be there but, I couldn't stop laughing and wanted to throw up a little. Kids do the funniest things. The best part is she was totally worried too and obviously wasn't disgusted that she had someone else whole toe practically in the palm of her hand. Of course you would find a giant toe-nail in the middle of a ballet studio. I think this is one reason why I love teaching these little girls. I get told every time they loose a tooth, silly family comments here and there, and how good they are at ballet. So cute. I love them. -Jan


Keeping up with the Jones' said...

That is so hilarious and disgusting at the same time!! haha I loved the pictures of the shower you really did a good job the food was also very yummy. You are so talented!!

miss janika e. said...

What a nice sister you are:)