Monday, May 17, 2010


i hope you were outside this sunday.
if not, you surely missed out and i better help you imagine it.
warm, but not HOT.
sunny enough to smile.
air, fresh enough to eat.
lighting, the best there is.
smiles, with complete truth.
allergy season, but no reaction.
bugs, everywhere!
misquitos, didn't see one.
told you it was perfect.
we walked around outside sunday for a few hours, photographing.
i have been super busy editing pics, and dancing lately..
i needed to get out and get some fresh air!
it helped.

Friday, May 14, 2010


as we all know...the jazz didn't stick it out to the end. they let the lakers defeat them. this doesn't change the way i love them though. they worked hard, they just need to work even harder next year right??
  summer is almost here, i can't wait another second! i need it. i'm exhausted and there is something about the smell of summer that is keeping me slightly impatient at the moment.
 i perform in a week, the ballet Coppelia! it's such a fun ballet. i'll have to post some pics.
but wait, can you believe it's summer already?? i swear i just did my 101 things of summer. oh no, i'm not planning on doing it again (countdowns are extremely stressfull) i'll just "go with the flow" and be really good to post my adventures.
                                            the weekends here!!