Monday, April 27, 2009

prom dance lessons anyone...

sometimes life brings on things that make you giggle and make you glad to have been a part of.. i received a phone call last week from a very sweet mother asking me an unexpected question. she said, "my son is stressed. He has prom in three days and is so worried because he only knows how to dance when the slow music comes on, but doesn't know what to do when the music turns fast!!" well, good thing she called me..{full time ballerina} i would know exactly what to do at prom since we rehearse and prepare for that everyday at ballet.. ha nope. wrong!!! i didn't know what to do, or what exactly i did teach that boy? i'm 20 now so i've had my share of proms. When your at dances aren't you just suppose to feel the music and do whatever you feel like? be crazzzy? well, maybe that is a dancers interpretation on it. well, more or less the lessons were a success. we literally had a dance party in his front room. so fun. i enjoyed the whole process. i love when stuff like this comes along in life. anything to boost one "new to dating" boy's self esteem. {luckily i had two girls there to help} oh joy.
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