Sunday, March 29, 2009

congrats mayson..

Yesterday {march 28, 2009} I attended my nephew Mayson's baptism and 8th Birthday. What a special day it was for him:) The baptism went well and mayson had the biggest smile on his face, it was so sweet. I was chosen by Mayson himself to give the talk on the "spirit of the holy ghost". I had prepared a talk, planned on mayson coming up front with me and my words being directed to him. I even got him a gift (a journal) I wanted him to open in the end of my talk in front of everyone. When I got there they had squeezed in another baptism for a new convert of the church at the same time as mayson's. I was a little nervious because I only had one journal to give. The other little 8 year old boy was named Eric, his family was new converts to the church. I had to kind of improv and include him in the talk too. I ended up giving the gift I got for Mayson to Eric. I just had too, it seemed right. So, I.O.U. a journal mayson:) The two boys were darling and new all the answers to my questions I had prepared. They were so happy and proud to be there. The boys had such a wonderful spirit about them and it just lighted you up being in their presence. It reminded me of my personal baptism and the special spirit I felt that day. I can't believe that was 12 years ago for me. Anyways, CONGRATS & HAPPY BIRTHDAY MACE DOGG!! I LOVE YOU, - Aunt Janika
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jkroper said...

I can't believe he is already 8!! I remember when that precious little boy came home from the hospital and was in the crib that was in the room your in now!! It's crazy that he's already this old, I can't believe it!! Tell him congrats!!