Sunday, February 8, 2009

Draper Temple Open House

I recently got to walk through the new Draper Temple open house with my mom and sister. It was the second temple open house I got to go through. The other one was the Mt. Timpanogos Temple but I was really young so I vaguely remember the experience. Seeing all the beautiful rooms reminded me of the time when I was sealed to my family in the Timpanogos temple for all time and eternity. I got to play in the waiting room with the darling old ladies and watch a special video. It's an experience I will never forget.
I love the temple and the peace it gives me.
I have a little obsession with decorating (one of my many obsessions haha.) and I couldn't help but notice the beautiful fabrics and colors in this new temple. The materials used on the love seats and couches were very in style with today's designs. I hope to one day get really involved in interior decorating. It made me wonder if decorating for temples would be something I could do? How neat would that be honestly? Maybe one day I will get too. If not, at least my future home will be a fun project for me to enjoy. I can't wait to have a home that is a "clean slate" all ready for me to design and decorate. I love colors and patterns and the different emotions you can bring into a room. They can be so intriguing to the eye! These rooms in the temple were an inspiration to me. What better inspiration to have then the temple:).