Monday, February 2, 2009

1st entry...

I'm so excited to finally have a blog. I have kept a personal journal since I was 8 years old. I love writing things down because then I get to re-live the memory every time I reflect back to it. So, this should be really fun! I also LOVE creating things. Whether it be decorations, outfits, hairdo's, or a yummy dessert, I love it all! I guess you could say I have a little "entrepreneur" in my blood...maybe? Anyways, Happy Ground Hog Day! 6 more weeks of winter...wahoo... -insert a not very enthused Janika:( Dear summer time, I miss u...visit me soon. your fan, Jan.


jkroper said...

haha.. bless your heart jan.. lol, you got me started on writing in my journal too.. remember back when we would write together.. i had my pooh journal and it talked.. ha.. the good old days..

miss janika e. said...

Hahaha of course I remember that journal...oh my gosh good times! I like this whole blog thing cuz it's like keeping a journal. Plus you can send it in and get your blog made into a book! i'm totally going too.