Saturday, February 28, 2009

renovations my way.

{photographed by mother.}

This weekend I have been helping renovate our basement. Lots of painting took place. Sometimes your legs cramp up and you can't help but stretch. Well, so a dancer would think. Mother & sister were supposedly entertained by my style of work, and couldn't help but snap a couple photo's of me in action...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

funny. Story.

I have the wonderful privilege of not only dancing ballet but also teaching it. I teach the 6-7 year old girls at my ballet studio (Jacqueline's school of ballet). It is so much fun and there is never a dull moment. Are you kidding me? are hilarious! Well, today was especially funny. Let me tell you the story... So, here I am just teaching away when all the sudden one of the little girls tugs on my skirt. When I looked down she had a concerned look on her face. I asked her, "are you OK?" She then opened up her hand lifted it towards me and said, " oh no teacher, somebody accidentally left this here?" (in a very concerned voice.) I then bent down a little so I could get a better look at what was in her hand. It was nothing other than a BIG, Thick, nasty, toe-nail!!! ha ha, maybe you kind of had to be there but, I couldn't stop laughing and wanted to throw up a little. Kids do the funniest things. The best part is she was totally worried too and obviously wasn't disgusted that she had someone else whole toe practically in the palm of her hand. Of course you would find a giant toe-nail in the middle of a ballet studio. I think this is one reason why I love teaching these little girls. I get told every time they loose a tooth, silly family comments here and there, and how good they are at ballet. So cute. I love them. -Jan

Sunday, February 22, 2009


This weekend has been a busy one for me. One of my good friends, Kayla Roper, is El prego (a.k.a pregnant). She is about to have a little baby boy. "Troy" to be exact (she already has a name picked out.) Yesterday, was her baby shower. It was a success. baby clothes and the works, galore. I was the official baby shower planner along with Kayla's sweet sister, Jen. We had lots of fun putting this shower together. Besides the actual shower, planning it was just as memorable:) Sometime's I felt to young to be doing this kind of stuff. I can't believe one of my childhood friend is married and having a baby. I'm not even dating anyone serious right now and i'm OLDER than her. Only by 11 months that is. I guess you could say i'm dating ballet. Were in love.
Welcome. come eat. there's plenty.

baby roper. creation by mwah:) inspiration: martha stewart.
Did someone say..."bite size desserts" ( bite size can be a cruel thing.)
"i can have another, they're small right?" -me
baked by:
Janika & Jen

Me & kayla. I'm holding her baby;)
me. Kayla and her sis.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

true. story. more than 10 minutes ago I finally purchased my holga camera online!It should be here in 5-7 days. yes, thats right, 5-7 days. patience janika, patience.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have been eyeing this camera for quite sometime and I can't wait to get my hands on my own! The Holga camera first appeared in 1982 in Hong Kong. It's imperfections in creating a photo is what makes it so intriguing and vintage looking. This is going to be my next purchase. I can feel it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Choreography Design Project

Recently the ballet company I dance for, Utah Regional Ballet, had a performance. I love performing. It honestly is the greatest feeling when you are on stage expressing yours or someone Else's thoughts through movement. When I don't dance anymore, I hope I still have opportunities to perform even though it probably wont be up on a stage. I've noticed that one of my favorite parts of performing is the unity it brings to us as a company. We have to learn to work together but also trust together. Our performance was called, "Choreography Design Project." Several choreographers signed up hoping to win and have their piece in the show. It all came down to 6 total choreographers and they only had two weeks to teach us our material before we would perform. It may had been a bit stressful for both us dancers and the choreographers but the show came together and was wonderful!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


OK, so I have been really intrigued by photography lately. We got this new Nikon camera and since then I can't put the thing down it seems. My sister Janelle wanted to give her husband pics of their kids for Valentine's Day so I thought I'd get creative and help her out. This is a little V-Day photo shoot I did with Mayson and Madelyn:) I just took them in my backyard. I think they turned out fun...

Mayson & Madelyn

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Draper Temple Open House

I recently got to walk through the new Draper Temple open house with my mom and sister. It was the second temple open house I got to go through. The other one was the Mt. Timpanogos Temple but I was really young so I vaguely remember the experience. Seeing all the beautiful rooms reminded me of the time when I was sealed to my family in the Timpanogos temple for all time and eternity. I got to play in the waiting room with the darling old ladies and watch a special video. It's an experience I will never forget.
I love the temple and the peace it gives me.
I have a little obsession with decorating (one of my many obsessions haha.) and I couldn't help but notice the beautiful fabrics and colors in this new temple. The materials used on the love seats and couches were very in style with today's designs. I hope to one day get really involved in interior decorating. It made me wonder if decorating for temples would be something I could do? How neat would that be honestly? Maybe one day I will get too. If not, at least my future home will be a fun project for me to enjoy. I can't wait to have a home that is a "clean slate" all ready for me to design and decorate. I love colors and patterns and the different emotions you can bring into a room. They can be so intriguing to the eye! These rooms in the temple were an inspiration to me. What better inspiration to have then the temple:).

Thursday, February 5, 2009

from "blah" to "BANG"

As you may know, my mom is a wonderful beautician:) So, I thought I would take advantage of her amazing skills with scissors and re-style my hair! I have always wanted to cut a bang like this and now I finally went through with it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Shabby Apple" Photo Shoot

This last December I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot for the "Shabby Apple." It was a lot of fun! The photographer's name was Mark Owens and he was so awesome and very fun to work with! Here are just a few photos that were taken:)
(the photographer's website, i'm not actually on his sight.)
Some of these shots were taken outside in the freezing winter air! The brown dress pic. was probably the coldest i've ever felt in my life! But, that just made the experience even better...right? Needless to say, I would do it again:)

Monday, February 2, 2009

1st entry...

I'm so excited to finally have a blog. I have kept a personal journal since I was 8 years old. I love writing things down because then I get to re-live the memory every time I reflect back to it. So, this should be really fun! I also LOVE creating things. Whether it be decorations, outfits, hairdo's, or a yummy dessert, I love it all! I guess you could say I have a little "entrepreneur" in my blood...maybe? Anyways, Happy Ground Hog Day! 6 more weeks of winter...wahoo... -insert a not very enthused Janika:( Dear summer time, I miss u...visit me soon. your fan, Jan.