Tuesday, March 30, 2010

a little, lot of denim.

found this good looking group of kids laying around the house.
i'm the little girl in this pic.

favorite things in this picture for sure have to be..

one. ryan's (my little brother) "bowl hair cut"
two.  the total lack of denim. there could have been more don't you think?
three. ok, ok, the whole photo is my favorite.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

we all have these days..

but honestly...
          i don't think i look half this adorable when i'm having a bad day.
         (i don't think following her around with the camera helped much...)
                                or did it??

                          oh myyyy. i love her.

lesson learned: when someone has a bad day, it doesn't always have to bring everyone down around them too. just following this little one around...
 and capturing her anger...
made me smile and chuckle a bit.
(she then caught on, and laughed along too.)
oh, the stresses of being small... i'd take them any day.
p.s. i still don't even know why she was upset. (she probably doesn't either)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

oh, just a house..i drive past 4 times a day.

each day, as i make my commute to ballet..
i drive past this lovely, green house.
without even thinking, i stare at it until i can't look any longer.
then i have to ask myself, why?? why does this house intrigue me so much??
so, of course (with my mom's driving skills) i snapped a photo of it.
i wish i dared get out and photograph all around it.
it has silly/quirky things on the side of it.
i'm a nerd.
(it's my camera's fault though..)

Monday, March 22, 2010

the way genetics work..

haha i found this photo trying to google search "striped wallpaper"..
i liked this result the best.
i'm guessing it is an example of how genetics work.
thats the best description of it i could think of...

Friday, March 19, 2010

i apologize.

please forgive me for photographing this child too much.
i can't help it, she is too cute.
and..she askes me on a daily basis, wait..she BEGS me on a daily bases,
"janika, you wanna take my pickter."
i give in everytime.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

happy st. patricks day!

i woke up this morning and saw my niece madeline.. 
wearing her little green outfit!
haha she wanted to go outside and play with susie (family dog)..
so we did..i was laughing a lot.
susie was hyper and attacking her.
it was funny.

she was stoked..(her and her uncle had the same shoes on)

(they did sneak in a smooch...)

oh, and don't worry..

i wore my green too.
p.s. if your irish, do you still have to wear green??
....or does it just count as the same thing?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

journal talk.

i've always been one to keep a journal...
i find it calming and exciting writing my life down!
that fact that something significant in my life happened and i didn't write it down stresses me out...so i've always kept one.
i'm a big one on memories, always have been, always will be.
(hence, why i have this blog!!)
today i photographed all my journals/diaries i've kept since i was 8.
the white one that is turned the opposite way from all the others is my first journal.
my grandma and pa anderson gave it too me on the day i was baptised..
i was 8. i'm now 21.

these are my journal/ "stuff" books i take everywhere with me..
the biggest book: my journal
the green/bird book: my photography inspiration
the "stuff" book: my to do list's go in there. ( i'm a crazy list maker.)


Monday, March 8, 2010

Legend of Timpanogos.

have you ever learned about the legend?? AMAZING.
Utah Regional Ballet performed this ballet{my most favorite ballet} about a week ago. if you have never seen it, make sure you do. i know we will be doing it again in the future so consider it now.
i absolutely LOVE performing. it makes all the hard work and sacrifice worth it.
these are just a few pics..

the Cheif in the above picture is a real native american. he is so great. i got to go perform at elementary schools with him before the performances went on.
he is an amazing man of character. hearing about his culture and the symbols of things from the ballet were touching. i have a new respect for native americans. they are a neat, passionate and loving people.
what an amazing spirit there was on stage. i will forever love this ballet.